October meeting recap

Submitted by Barb S., Secretary

Prior to the start of the meeting and during the break, members enjoyed delicious treats furnished tonight by Ary A., Sandra F., Karen G. and Sally H. 

Lisa B called the meeting to order. This is our last dual meeting until March. We will be meeting via Zoom only from November through February.

Noemi B. reported that we have 103 paid memberships.  Present at tonight’s meeting were 42 members and 13 members attending on zoom.  New member, Dee W., was introduced.

Previous members who have not renewed were contacted to see if they plan to rejoin.    The new password was sent to paid members on November 1st to allow access to our Members Only area of the website.

Lisa B. reported on the recent Quilt coat workshop with Erin Grogan from Love Sew Modern. Karen G. and Maria C. showed their beautiful completed coats, including a wonderful catwalk – we didn’t capture all of the pics for that, but what a fun time!

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