October Meeting Recap

submitted by Paula M., Secretary

The October meeting was called to order by president, Lisa B. at 6:00 PM.  The meeting was held at Christ Lutheran Church in Normal and via Zoom, with 25 members online, 1 guest, and 35 in person, for a total of 61 attendees. 

A thank you to Pat S., Barb S., and Mary Rose H. for our hospitality treats. 

Don’t forget that we have a BNMQG library – lots of great titles that can be checked out. Our regular librarian, Carol B. was with us via zoom, but Valerie S. volunteered to help out with the library.

This month’s presenter was Sylvia Schaefer who spoke on Designing with Negative Space.  The 2 biggest lessons from her presentation were that negative space gives your eye a place to rest, and it helps move your eye from 1 place to another.  She showed lots of slides of her quilts and the different ways she has used negative space. Sometimes she uses blocks in a row or column and sometimes her quilting has “ghost” blocks.

Community Outreach chairperson, Pat S., announced she had 6 members on her committee:  Melissa K., Noemi B., Maria C., Rita G., Valerie S., and Paula M.  The Board met earlier today and cut all of the strips, batting, and backing for 30 quilts that will be kitted and distributed to members for completion for this year’s Heart Beat Quilts.

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