January 2016 Meeting Recap

Hello Modern Quilters,

The January meeting was fun and frantic as promised! Check out the Block Lotto page for the new directions and photos of the winners–Marge, Kris Z and Stormy. This was a first, we had 48 blocks turned in so we picked three winners.

We welcomed two new members, Julie D and Teresa A, which brings us to 54 members! Anne U led us in some creativity exercises and Vickie A and Viv B announced some wonderful opportunities for our members. Continue reading

January Meeting 2016

Hello Modern Quilters,

With the holidays behind us and this frigid weather keeping me indoors I’m ready to tackle some new projects. Oh and maybe finish some old ones. Can’t wait to meet up and see what everyone’s been working on. See you January 26 at 6:00 pm at Christ Lutheran Church, 311 N. Hershey, Normal, IL. Visitors welcome as always! January’s meeting will be fun and frantic.  There’s a lot going on!

10,000th Member Announcement— Who was the MQG’s 10,000th member? One of BNMQG’s members that’s who! Come to the meeting to find out who she is and see the things she won.

Block Lotto— Can’t wait to see these! We will be collecting your money upfront for the next block when we give you the background fabric  so bring your dollars.

Raffle Fabric— Patty Young and solids.20160108_083851

Goals–Did you complete all the goals for 2015 that you wrote last January? No? Me neither, but it did provide some focus for the projects I did complete.  We’ll be writing new goals for 2016 so give it some thought.

Blog–We now have a BNMQG blog and we’ll take a few minutes to get everybody signed up.

Show and Tell–bring your modern creations so we can ooh and ahh!

Program–Cheryl Adam is a wonderful designer and quilt maker. Here is some info about the program in her own words. “I have been asked to speak about designing. I will attempt to tell you what I do to design a quilt for different work situations and for my own work. I will tell you a little of my thought process, the tools I use, and maybe even admitting some mistakes. I will talk a little about how I decide which fabrics to use and why I choose these. Please come with questions-even about something you are working on.”


Show your Stuff!

Hello Modern Quilters,

Is one of your quilting goals to enter a quilt into a show this year?  Here are two wonderful opportunities.

First, an exhibit at Threads of Time quilt shop in Danville, IL. will be held during the month of April. The exhibit is called “The Fabric Forest” and the theme is nature. I’ve included a Flyer   for all the details, or go to their websiteApril field trip?  We might have to do some fabric shopping after viewing the exhibit!

The International Quilt Festival in Rosemont, IL will have a special exhibit called “Mod Squad”. The festival is April 7-9 and modern quilters from the Midwest have been invited to submit quilts for the show.  Here is the link for the specifics.  This would be a wonderful field trip as well!