February 2017 Meeting Reminder

Hello Modern Quilters,

Interested in adding design elements to your modern fabrics? Vickie
Alsene will be showing us how at our February 28 meeting. We will be
experimenting with Derwent Inktense pencils and blocks and Shiva
paintsticks during the meeting. These are mostly non messy and can be
done with stencils, tracing designs, and free hand. Both are
permanent on most fiber contents and can be used to overdye existing
purchased fabrics with stamps and designs. Everything (including
fabric squares) will be provided for members to play and take home
whatever they create but you may bring additional fabrics or shirts to
work on.

Social time starts at 5:30 and the meeting will begin at 6 at our
regular meeting spot—Christ Lutheran Church, 311 N Hershey Normal, IL

Don’t miss the fun! Here’s what you need to bring!

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