June 2020 Newsletter

Lyric Kinard is our featured speaker at our next ZOOM meeting JUNE 23, 2020

This has been an exciting month for BNMQG considering we haven’t been physically together for severalmonths now.  We’re averaging around 40 members per meeting (which is just barely less than an in-person meeting) but we still could use more.  The travel isn’t long.  The weather isn’t a problem.  ZOOM is really easy (just ask anyone who has attended our meeting via zoom).  Lisa B. does an amazing job of running the behind-the-scenes stuff.   AND if you’re still intimidated by the technology, email me and we can have a private zoom (it probably would only take 10-15 minutes) so you can see how easy it is.  We want all of our members to be able to attend our meetings and it’s so much fun to see each other’s beautiful faces.

We had our first ZOOM workshop – Modern Free Wheeling Circles, which, from my feedback was a success and I know I had fun.  After 4 hours, most everyone had all of their blocks constructed and ready to add the finishing touches.  We laughed.  We could dig in our stashes for additional fabrics (or to add to our blocks in case we miscounted-LOL).  We didn’t have to setup or tear down our sewing stations in a remote location.  Some people even sewed with a lake view!  Demos were given and we could see each other’s progress.  Questions were answered. Some people shared Internet and sewing spaces.  Photos will migrate over to Facebook as quilts are finished.  People who signed up and paid for the workshop got their patterns and they have a private Facebook page to access extra information/resources and photos.  I’ve already signed up for an online workshop with Carole Lyles Shaw to see if they are as much fun as we had…the standards are high…just saying!

There have been 4 sessions of Tech Tuesdays and they’ve had great reviews.  Individual help was priceless and the sessions included really good ways for using Instagram by our own Kathy C.  We offer sessions at 11am and another at 6pm most Tuesdays.  We are looking for more topics for Tech Tuesdays – anything tech related.  At the next Tech Tuesday (6/30) we’ll be looking at some ways to make your Instagram posts more fun using Boomerang and Layout. There will also be time to answer questions about posting, editing and anything else you need help with.  Signup

Stitchin’ Saturday was fun.  People dropped in and sewed and talked for about 3 hours.  It was fun seeing the projects that were being worked on.  We’ll try this again.  Watch your email for more opportunities!

In the past we have had the opportunity to bring guests to our meetings and there was a $10 fee charged when we have a speaker.  We now have that capability for our zoom meetings.  Starting with this month’s meeting, we will feature a speaker – Lyric Montgomery Kinard.  We are offering a paypal option for non-members to attend at the low price of $6.00.  There is a link from the event on Facebook or on our website.  If this takes off, we may be able to get even more speakers for our guild meetings! So spread the word to your quilting friends.

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BNMQG June 23 meeting with Lyric Kinard

Program – Abstract Design Exercise with Lyric Kinard

This month we have a very special guest speaker attending our Zoom meeting.  Lyric Kinard is a well-known artist, author, and quilter!  You might have seen her on Quilting Arts.  She is an award winning artist with a passion for sparking the creativity that she knows each of her students possess. With playful support and gentle encouragement she will take you through your first steps on a new path, seeing the world through the eyes of an artist. As an artist, author, and educator she transforms cloth into art in her studio and timid spirits into confident creatives in the classroom.

Lyric was recognized for her talents as the 2011 International Association of Professional Quilters Teacher of the Year and is the author of the book Art + Quilt: design principles and creativity exercises. She has written extensively for Quilting Arts Magazine, appeared on Quilting Arts TV, and The Quilt Show. In her past life she was a musician, earned a BA in English Literature from the University of Utah and has also formally studied architecture. She currently lives in Cary, North Carolina with her husband and some of their five children.

You can see what she’s been up to on her blog.  Enjoy some of her great Covichats which are interviews with some famous quilters and artists from all over the world.  Some of her guest have been Carole Lyles Shaw, Mel Beach,  South African business owner Henneli Davie, Wendy Butler Berns, Joe Cunningham, Cristina Arcenequi from Seville, Spain, Victoria Fiindlay Wolfe, Jacquie Gering, Bonnie Hunter, Michelle Wilkie, Susan Brubaker Knapp, and many more.  They are fun to listen to as you sew.  You don’t want to miss her website… take a peek before Tuesday.

The meeting program:

Learn how easy it is to find inspiration in any environment as you create your own unique abstract designs by following this very simple exercise. The elements of line, shape, and value will be explored as you generate a plethora of little thumbnails, jumping points for your own original modern designs.

Option 1 – have paper scissors, sharpie, and several sheets of blank paper ready.
Option 2 – Have printed PDFs, paper scissors, and a sharpie ready.

This is a FREE event for members. These will be attached to your Zoom Invitation Email, so look for the attachments! An email will be sent to members for this event on Zoom. Join us for a short social time from 5:30-6:00. This will give everyone time to enter the meeting, chat a little, and work out any last minute technical problems.

If you are NOT a BNMQG member, just buy a TICKET for this event for a small fee of $6. You won’t be disappointed with Lyric’s program. Sign up early to make sure to receive your link to Zoom . You don’t want to miss the meeting and download Lyric’s files..

To purchase a guest pass for this meeting, please use the PayPal link below: