Sylvia Schaefer is our speaker for October

Sylvia Schaefer – Zoom Lecture
Members only
Designing with Negative Space

Tuesday, October 26, 2021
6:00 pm CST via Zoom
no guest tickets are available for this lecture

Many quilters enjoy the modern aesthetic but are overwhelmed when considering designing their own quilt. This lecture gives you concrete step-by-step ideas on how to begin with a traditional quilt block and then alter it to incorporate negative space (also known as background area). Plus, I’ll give you suggestions on fabric and quilting choices for your design. This is my most popular lecture, and works very well in a virtual format as well.

As always, there is no cost for a member to attend the meeting.

September 2021 meeting recap

Submitted by Paula M., Secretary & Lisa B., President

The August meeting was called to order by new president, Lisa B. at 6:00 P.M.  The meeting was held at the Christ Lutheran Church and via Zoom with 44 members present in person and 14 via Zoom, 2 new members    and 3 guests present.   

We had lots of wonderful items donated to the Destash sale, which raised almost $600! Shopping happened before the meeting and then there was a surprise half off sale during our break.

We did another dual meeting – in person and via zoom. We are working through the challenges that this dual setting is presenting. We will be changing the order of the meetings to always have the presentations first, even if the presenter is in person.

Sandra M. not pictured – she joined us by zoom, but sent yummy treats with Emily J.!

We had lots of yummy treats, provided by Donna L., Emily J., and Sandra M.

The virtual Wisconsin Quilt show was attended by many members.

BNMQG purchased a pass for the entire guild to be able to access the Global Quilt Connection’s All Star Virtual Sampler that was available on October 2nd and 3rd. We hope that many guild membes attended and enjoyed the presentations. If you liked any of the presenters and would like to have them as a speaker for the guild, please contact a board member.

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