January 2020 Meeting Reminder Newsletter

submitted by Nancy P., President

Welcome to BNMQG 2020!  – next meeting January 28, 2020
Now that the holidays are over, your handmade gifts have been given and are now being enjoyed. This is a perfect time to get a fresh start on new projects, stay warm, finish some unfinished projects, and get some designing and quilting done.  I’d love to be able to say that one of my goals is to not buy more fabric, but I already broke that goal.  Do you feel like I do that there are so many beautiful colors and fabrics and that they would be just perfect for my next project?  So I altered my goal to be to use more fabrics and finish more projects.  What are your 2020 goals for your quilting/sewing?

Hope you’re getting to know your Swap partner.  Continue to communicate in person, by phone, or by email. Share design and color ideas to complement your chosen fat quarter. Remember that your completed products will be exchanged at the February Guild meeting.  Contact Pat Messinger if you have any questions, her contact info is on the Members page.

Australian Tree Blocks
As you have heard, Australia is being devastated by fires.  Animals are losing their lives and habitats.  People have lost their lives and homes.  As I prepare to leave for Australia, I will be taking some tree quilt blocks to the Wollongong Modern Quilt Guild in New South Wales.  Below is the post.  If you get some done by Jan 23 and can get them to me, I’ll put them in my suitcase and carry them with me.  If not, Leslie Swearinger has offered to get them at the guild meeting and take them with her to QuiltCon where someone will be collecting them and sending them off to Australia. Blocks are to be a generous 12.5” square, have a tree theme, low volume/white/pale grey background.  Thank you BNMQG quilters! Continue reading