March 2023 Meeting with Sarah Ruiz

Submitted by Barb S., Secretary

The BNMQG meeting was called to order by President Lisa B.  She welcomed the members and guests as well as our speaker.

Sarah Ruiz presented an interesting program called “100 Days of Creative Bliss”. Sarah shared some of her background including working at NASA on the space shuttle program. She reminded everyone that we are the boss when doing a 100 days program – do what works for you. That could be doing 1 day at a time or catching up doing a week at a time or mix it up during the 100 days. Sarah also graciously included a discount code for BNMQG members, that code expired on April 2nd.

Following the program Lisa thanked the volunteers who provided the treats tonight:   Barb B., Kathy C., Erin H. and Nancy B. 

Mary Rose H., co-chairman of the hospitality committee, mentioned that we need one more person to provide treats for the April meeting as well as several for upcoming meetings.   Treats do not have to be elaborate – store bought is fine.

Those willing to bring treats can sign up on Sign up Genius.

This is a way to be part of the village – it takes a village to keep the quilt guild up and running!

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