January 2019 Meeting reminder

submitted by Kathy M., co-president

We’ve made it through the holiday’s, only to experience a whopper of a snow storm.
I’m looking forward to our January Quilting Journeys member trunk show.  Bring your first (or one of your early quilts) and your most recent one.  We will share our journey with the goal of inspiring each other to stretch our wings and try new techniques or perhaps just improve our current ones.

Bring your dollars for the fabric raffle.  Remember there was no Block Lotto due for January, but I’m sure Sue will have a great block to introduce that will be due in February.

Our Modern Round Robin will start, so if you signed up, please bring your center to exchange.  Something new and exciting for our guild!

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November 2018 Meeting Recap

Submitted by Teresa A., Secretary

The November meeting of the Bloomington-Normal Modern Quilt Guild was led by our co-president, Kathy M., and was called to order at 6:00 p.m. at Christ Lutheran Church in Normal.

Treats were provided by Beth F., Jan C. and Lori L.  Thank you for the delicious treats!  Our new social time arrangement is for members to bring their own drink, minimizing the need for beverages and plastic cups to be provided by monthly snack providers.

We welcomed 42 members, 2 guests and 2 new members for a total of 44 members in attendance.


There is a new password to the guild blog’s members only page.  There was an email sent to all guild members with the new password.  IF you did not receive an email, please contact one of the executive board members.  Under the Members section there is the 2017/18 final expenses and the 2018/19 budget information.

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